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CONGRATULATIONS ITALY: the art of the Neapolitan Pizzaiuolo a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

“I wanted to offer you, even paying it in installments, nu brillante e quínnece carate..Ma tu vulive ‘a pizza, ’a pizza, cu ‘a pummarola ’ncoppa...'a pizza e niente cchiù!” sang Aurelio Fierro in 1966. A tune that has entered the history of Neapolitan song. So has pizza, which, after seven years of international negotiations, has obtained “historic” recognition: the Art of the Neapolitan pizzaiuolo is now a World Heritage Site!

Florence has decided to celebrate the big names of Neapolitan Pizza in the city. Under the patronage of the City of Florence and with the participation of Coldiretti Toscana, Fipe-Confcommercio and Confesercenti Firenze, awards were given to the professionals and Pizzerias that have distinguished themselves in the preparation of the traditional Neapolitan pizza, short bite, soft but not chewy, long leavening and strictly baked in a wood-fired oven.

The Arte del PIZZAIUOLO NAPOLETANO award came about after UNESCO included the art of the pizzaiuolo in the list of elements declared a World Heritage Site, and we felt it was only right that the city should recognize an award to the protagonists of this activity, said the organizers, Marco Gemelli del Forchettiere, creator of the initiative, and Sabino Berardino, because if in recent years the city has distinguished itself at the national level for the production of excellent Neapolitan pizza, the credit is all theirs.